Friday, June 19, 2015

Mo Goes…

I have wanderlust that goes so deep into my soul, my heart aches. I love traveling, exploring new places, trying new things, meeting locals, & collecting money from all over the world. If I had my way, I would never visit the same city twice - the world is too big, & life is too short.

I even have a job that requires me to travel most of the time…turns out that travel is not nearly as fun as personal travel, & it gets draining, quick. But it also allows for cool experiences. Getting sent to Bemidji, MN in the middle of December was not something I was looking forward to, it was the coldest, harshest, iciest weather I have ever experienced - & children were playing outside during recess! Without that trip, I would have never channeled my inner Elsa, realized the importance of chapstick & good boots, walked on a frozen lake, hiked the Mississippi River headwaters, or stood between the legs of Paul Bunyan.

Recently, I've been letting work take over my life. When I say "recently" I mean for the past couple of years. I got so busy making a living that I felt that I wasn't actually living. I didn't even realize it until one of my friends told me, "I'm going to look back on my 20s & not worry about work. I'll remember the random nights out, the fun nights in, traveling, moving, & making new friends." That's when I realized that I spent the better half of my 20s working my ass off. I've experienced so many awesome things, but all of those experiences are shadowed by work.

So my vow to myself, as I'm about to enter my 28th year of life, is to LIVE! I'm going to take days off so I can experience summer in Chicago - I will no longer have Use or Lose time at the end of the year. I am saying yes to every outing my body can handle. I am going to try new things, all the time. I will stay healthy, but not be so hard on myself when I miss the gym to have fun. I will chase the Stanley Cup all summer long. I will travel…for fun, for work, for me. I will meet new people, fall in love, make memories, & cherish every minute of it. I'll still be a kick ass employee, but I won't give my agency anymore free time - no more staying late at work, no more coming in on my days off, no more responding to non-emergency emergencies.

June isn't even over yet, but it is already the best birthday month! One of my favorite people moved to Chicago, a child I care deeply about turned 10, I "played" softball in front of the Washington Monument, I zoodled, acupuncture changed my life, the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup which led to an epic amount of celebrating, I met the Blackhawks Coaching Staff, I hugged the Stanley Cup, I celebrated, I loved, I lived. I even had fun when it rained on my (Blackhawks) parade.

The best part is, the most exciting part of my month is yet to come. In just 2 short days, I'll be in London with some of my favorite people!

Here's to living!